Tapping Themes

Tapping can be used on just about any theme.

When we tap through one area, it tends to benefits all areas of out lives.

Each session is customized to your unique situation.

Ideal BodyWeight

Natural ideal weight

There are many reasons we might hold onto unwanted weight.

Food cravings usually is the primal mind attempting to get a happy feeling from our past.

Over eating is often used to avoiding uncomfortable feelings.

EFT taping assist in getting our emotional needs meat in a more meaningful way, feeling satisfied in a more meaningful way, leaving food to be food, and not a substitute for what we really are wishing for.

There is NO dieting with these sessions! By resolving the underling reason the body wants to hold to the extra weight, our unconscious naturally desire the food and movement our bodies desire for idea weight and shape. For example If the body is unconsciously wanting extra weight for emotional protection, when that is resolved and feels safe, the weight pretty much comes off like magic.

EFT Tapping is effective with:

* Food cravings

* Emotional eating

* Stress relief

* Balancing the cortisol hormone

* Improved self awareness and self love

Stress Relief

EFT relieve stress and increases well being and confidence.

By accessing the body's energy system, sending a signal to the part of the brain that controls the fight or flight response, EFT ultimately restores the body’s natural balance. Tapping with a trained EFT practitioner can resolve stress triggers and patterns. When the resulting in more ease , peace and joy and inner guidance, when stressful situations arise in the future, we respond in a more effective and self loving way.

Success Abundance

To the extent we do not have what we say we desire, is to the same extent we are resisting it on other level. When we examine and clear our resistance, we become congruent body mind and spirit, and UNSTOPPABLE.

Tapping through financial issues, rarely is about the money, usually is tied to a past trauma or experience, where limiting belief was formed to survive that situation.

When we resolve that frozen time in space, we can be open to new and more joyful possibilities. As a side benefit, when gain emotional freedom on one area, it tends to benefits all the areas of our lives.

Healing Ancestor Trauma

They say when we heal ourselves, we heal seven generations before us, and seven after us.

Studies of epigenetic reveals that the impact of our ancestors traumas can have an imprint on our lives. Be it the natural talents and or traumas our ancestors lived. They can and will be transferred through the generations. Creating unwanted patterns in health, relationships and success, as well as accessing the gifts and talents they breathed. We hear the stories of our ancestors, but not the untold buried ones.

In these tapping sessions we tune into patterns that our not necessarily ours, but run though our blood from our ancestors unresolved trauma. As we free ourselves, we free them in spirit, AND bless thought who come after us, with out those chains. We can also access their beautiful gifts and talents too.

The ancestral part is given to us by our body, we take over the life of our ancestors in that way. It is the terrace of life because it is here that life renews itself
— C. G. Jung.

Hacking Reality

Hacking Reality is a powerful way connect with our younger self who had an unresolved painful experience, that shape their lives in a limiting way. We can go back in time, and tap on the your self, finally let humor her be heard, and care for, tap away the stress, and create a new reality. The unconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination.

When the younger self get a chance to chance things from his or hers deeper wisdom, patterns are changed in positive ways seeming fro the past, present and future. Quantum physics could say this is possible. Our older self knows this scene has been changed, but our younger self, lives with this new empowering and delightful reality. Seeing the world in a new and safer way, changing life patterns that create more fulfillment.

Learn more about Hacking Reality.